Wednesday, January 2, 2013

关于TK的质疑,我想我还是保持理性,只解释这一次 from LL

Just of recent New Year, it has come to our attention the announcement of TK on his blog:

He is implying that our last skin, was a copy of his last skin.
We have analysed everything he said, it is unfortunate that we have to show evidence proving the contrary, when clearly there is no need of one.
The new skin was done weeks ago, even before he even released his skin files.
We only hold it would be a great New Year gift to our followers.

Our skin was used on the presentation of showing it as upcoming skin in 2012-12-08;
And even previously, it was used to showoff the Eyes N2 we have released in 2012-11-30, which was done even before.
As the Eyes were a CC pack, we planned to release them one by one, and we have been doing.
So just take the date of the first release, Eyes N1, better, on the publish of the Eye Collection, which was in 2012-11-26 and subtract that date.
It was sent to release even before as I only have time to do that on weekends.
Get the post and downloads ready so that later we just publish on the press of a button.

A skin texture really just doesn’t get done in one week or two, which is what he is implying we have done.
We all have our life and work to do, and we use our free time for our hobbies.
Knowing well the concept and difficulty of what it is the 2D mapping and texturing, specially when it comes to this.

His arguments are not very direct, pointing to details that got along ever since the BASE skin, to the draw and evolution of a new one.
There is the obvious copy, but to say we used his skin, clearly need more investigation than what one had done in one day.
This is what LL shows on her topic, to make note for the geometry shape, and texture detail spots.

Not everyone has the vision on the technical ways that is applied over the skin design.
This isn’t to come up against anyone, but as much as we’d want to become clear, some may take other things, even irrelevant ones, as an argument to decide what is really going on.
So it doesn’t matter if for both sides, show the history and development of the skin making, it won’t make any difference.
To TK, if you want to solve this matter, you contact us, as through that, we won’t make this any further.
Whether you decide to continue this on public, but don’t come to try affect us any more than of what you already have.
By this time QQ viable way or email us:
As this has come to public, all we need now is support, study it yourself.
But don’t waste too much time, as this is just a game, CC, is not that important, nor relevant to no one life.
The importance is to maintain integrity, because nothing was done.
But at the end it won’t make any difference, the truth lies where it is, whether you believe or not.


昨天在外婆家,看到TK的质疑确实震惊和意外,奈何第一感觉是愤怒,发表了不当言辞,我可以先道个歉,大家对我过激言辞的批评我也欣然接受,希望没有影响 到大家过节的心情,今天对TK的质疑,我想我还是保持理性,只解释这一次,因为相信柠檬的人依然会支持我,不相信的人可能看都不看的继续抨击我,也许只有 对此事,态度持中,心存好奇的人,才会把这些仔细看完,所以,清者自清也许就是这样了吧,大家都不是傻子,上图,自己分析,自己看就好了。
 除了第一版TK比我早,但1.0到2.5我都是在TK二版皮肤之前,但我想明确一点的是,TK的皮肤一版和二版相差挺大的,并且如果非要说颜 色,光泽,色调接近,那也是你出了第二版之后的事情,但我的3.0虽然晚过你二版皮,但用过柠檬皮的人都知道,其实2.5和3.0很多人都觉得没大的区 别,我还真不知道这样说是谁借鉴谁的呢,但我一直认为这只是大家对于皮肤效果屏弃缺陷、不断摸索向完美发展过程中的巧合而已。
内眼走向,眼袋弧度,1.0就这样画了,后文我也可以做详细说明。 至于关于TK提到脸部光泽,我打一开始就是以淡阴影为主,颧骨位稍重色,脸夹略浅色,这样脸部又有立体,才会透气。但TK版皮一开始并非如此,二版之后脸颊重色逐步减弱,难道我可以借题发挥说TK抄袭我的?显然那是不可取的。
 再看下TK第一版皮,颜色很比较偏红,色彩深度接近EA自带色度,可能TK只勾勒了脸部,我理解是为了与EA身体皮更好衔接。 或者可能TK也是在摸索阶段,毕竟M2和M3完全是两回事。


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 如果再扯到S站的皮肤,我更无话可说,光泽肌理效果完全是两回事。

 TK之后版本的单眼皮和雀斑皮,按理说应该保持你特有的窄鼻梁画法,色调和单眼部分也不该与柠檬皮和S皮一版接近,对于以上种种,即便我觉得我们的 皮肤有相近之处,但想想也只觉得是,作为一个作者都希望自己的作品日趋完美,从你以往的作品来看也知道你是个对作品认真,要求严格的作者,也并没有多想 呀,可为什么TK,你反而来攻击我呢? 难道作者与作者之间只剩下抄袭与被抄袭的关系,就不能多谢赞美,肯定与支持吗? 再说时间,S站皮肤是2012年4月发布,S站皮完全是在3.0基础上由我,MK和WM一起完成的,3.0完全早于你发布的两种皮肤版本。
 很明显,S站皮肤完全是在2.5男皮和3.0基础上完成的,怎么可能使用的是TK的那N2版,2.5版本皮肤的阴影比较重,区别于女皮,3.0基本 男女都是在2.5基础上的阴影加深,2011年2月发布的2.5皮完全早于TK4月发布的N2,何来抄袭,再说用过皮肤的人都知道我们的皮效果完全不同。 而且S皮的高亮光效果和光滑度我想更是不同吧。
 眼睛部分回归的是2.5的厚重画法,其实在1.0的时候就已经尝试卧蚕靠近内眼角的明晰轮廓,但定位一直没拿捏好。所以之后出的眼袋一直就索性模糊化。这 次新版在2.5基础上再加上了卧蚕的明晰轮廓,但注意,只是限于正下方,因为这个位置好定位,厚点薄点都不会怪异。问题就是外眼角和内眼角,根本就不是我 所谓的故意避免跟TK重复而模糊,是我以前的画法就是这样,并且我也还没找好具体轮廓线的位置,索性继续模糊处理而已。



最后想说,柠檬,西瓜,MK因为同一个游戏走在一起,自己花钱建立了网站,一起研究,制作自定义,是我们的生活,工作之余的乐趣所在,既然是乐趣,就不希 望掺杂这些个事情,不过有事也不怕,大家说开了,误会消除了是最好,如果不能我们也不会放弃SIMS这个兴趣,依然会创作自定义给大家分享,Sims是个 大舞台,百花齐放才能让这个舞台更精彩,对于作者之间的关系,希望能少些猜忌和敌对,多些赞美和支持,相信大家相处起来也会和谐,愉快很多.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Welcome to S-club!

Welcome to our new site S-Club Privée :)

Saturday, September 17, 2011

声明 Statement by LL & WM


首先是TSR,非常高兴TSR对于此事件的积极迅速的配合,让事件得到了公平的解决, 对于TSR的做法表示真挚感谢。

 To TSR,

Hi, we are Lemonleaf and Watermelon.

We would like to thank you all for resolving the problem with Praline CCs.
We are are very grateful for that, as it is justice and hopefully it will give people, through this experience, more attention to this sort of matter.

For that we hope more respect comes for not only our creations but for all honest creators on the community.



TSR connection address

To Pralinesims,

We don't like fighting, but we don't like dishonest people either.
You lied, and even blame us for stealing from you, for then after a struggle try to apologize and be honest at the end.
We are very sorry, but we can't accept your apology, not from someone who do that.

We don't want to have any resentment over this, but it is not possible not to.






 Pralinesims first“ apology ” on the matter ( P第一次的道歉贴)

“ApologyAuthor: Pralinesims Posted Sep15, 2011

To start with.. it was big shock for me to hear that you were suspecting meand my sister for stealing your textures, would never ever do that.

After long, frustrating and difficult time came to the conclusion thatneither of us has been happy with the way things went, so am here to give myapologies for my textures looking so close to yours, you are such aninspiration but would never steal or copy your textures for any reason, thatis simply not the way am.

hope you will accept and understand my apologies and hope everything willbe the same between us again.


Pralinesims After the second revision of the apology posted ( P第二次修改后的道歉贴)

We want to apologize to you for using your textures as an example.We regret it and we will never do that again, we are really sorry. We wanted to make good textures and i think it went just too far,i hope you can understand and forgive us!
I hope you will accept and understand my apologies and I hope everything will be the same between us again. Sincerly,
Pralinesims After the second revision of the apology posted

E-mail From TSR to us,
Thomas O. Isaksson to WM :SU BA skrev 2011-09-14 19:51:


Thank you for your E-mail. We hope that TSR really want to solve this problem.
We (Lemonleaf, Watermelon) requires TSR website within 24 hours to solve this problem.
Demand that the matter was thoroughly investigated in Pralinesims after a public apology to our.
We will announce our E-mails content in the 24 hours after.
We are waiting for TSR and Pralinesims reasonable answer on this matter.

Thank you.

Lemonleaf, Watermelon

> Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2011 11:32:19 +0200
> From: thomas@xxxxx.xx
> To: su-ba@xxxxx.xx
> Subject: Pralinesims and stolen work
> Hi there,
> We would like to resolve this issue with you as soon as possible. Please
> respond to this e-mail so I know this is the correct e-mail to send
> e-mails to.
> We will remove all work that can be proven stolen (or based on your
> work) - we just need your help in identifying them.
> Thank you,
> Thomas O. Isaksson
> The Sims Resource
Cyclonesue to LL :

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

E-mail from TSR about Pralinesims's problem ,yet to be confirmed.

We have received E-mail from TSR, About the follow-up of  plagiarism our texture map Figure,yet to be confirmed.
Today Lemonleaf(LL)  have received a E-mail from  Cyclonesue in TSR Website, about plagiarism our texture-maps were copied by Pralinesims this figure.
Watermelon(WM) also received a  E-mail from Thomas O. Isaksson in TSR website ,about the same question.
We hope that this TSR really want to solve this problem

We (Lemonleaf, Watermelon) requires TSR website within 24 hours to solve this problem.

Demand that the matter was thoroughly investigated in Pralinesims after a public apology to our.
We will announce the E-mail from TSR and our answer content in the 24 hours after. 
We are waiting for TSR and Pralinesims reasonable answer on this matter.
Please pay attention to this matter together.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

What I want to say about this.

Hello, everyone,
I'm WM. I want to say :
For me---to make the makeup, for example,  eyebrows(the Cc that I love much more to make than the others CCS--there is sb don't understand so added CCs)

1. For men or women or children.
2. What the style of these eyebrows, morden, classique, cute, etc...
3. Dark or light? (very imporatnt, different color, different effect)
4. Beginning drawing it with my Wacom, bamboo fun 99euros in FNAC(you know I'm not so rich like LL, haha)
5.Draw, modify the base texture with photoshop about 20-30 or more times, until I think the looks good.
6. Use CTU or TSRW to make the texture became a package file and then put it in game to see the result Yes or No.
(Never win make the Good Ccs for only one time, but more more more than 50 times)
7. Re-draw, modify the things not so good that in my mind.
8. Finish Ccs.
9. Share them with all the people who love Sims.
Yes, it's not Soo easy to make Ccs, every Ccs that I made with a lot of my time and heart. Like I bring up my children, you could understand?
And someday, there is another person who take away my children and say they are not mine and sell them, and also want to find a lawyer to punish me, who could give me a good reason to expliquer?
We are really angry this time with this thing, it will be never finished we know, but we can't hold it anymore, so we do that, to warning the people,  
Please respect the other, then the other will respect you too!

Monday, September 5, 2011

Imitation of my work is the fact that Please stop distorting the truth-----Lemonleaf

This is the address of the original everybody!

Detailed analysis :(Sorry, I'm not very good at English)
PS:“I have never stolen other creators creations or their textures! I HANDPAINT ALL MY MAKE UP with this here:”

What is good to show off? I use wacom drawing board for six years, the use of a wacom plagiarism can prove that you did not it? ! Too ignorant.
This is what I bought last year, the fourth generation.
PS:“And she/or he still claims that im stealing her textures!! What a shame! I AM NOT STEALING!! I EVEN DONT LIKE HER STUFF! I HAVE NEVER DOWNLAODED A THING FROM HER OR OPENED HER FILES! BUT SHE DID!! SHE PUBLSIHED SOME OF MY TEXTURES! This is stealing! She spreads all these lies over the whole internet and i can´t believe it ,everybody believes HER/HIM.”

First of all, I want to say, I see  your naked malicious imitation and plagiarism, I very hate. I do not rare you like me, Oh, people Appreciate me are numerous.
Turned out to be so like the look the same, it is amazing! One may be coincidence, but
many also happened to it?

Although your ridiculous claim "absolute hand-painted," but the things and others are very similar.Do not deceive us.

PS:“ i work so much on my make up (sometimes for hours till they look perfect enough for me) ”


WOW~~~!Amazing, the speed of your production is amazing, of course, you do not have to spend a lot of time to think and design, design of direct imitation of others

PS:“she says really bad and rude things about us she talks about us like we are the worst persons on this earth!”

Small to distort the truth, I suspect you only for the work

PS:we don't know what to do...No one believes us now..”

Because we all believe the truth, we believe the fact that you lie full of mistakes, of course, do not believe you.

  PS: (she even compared two very different lipglosses she want to "show" you what i have stolen from her but it cant be! this is very different!!)
WOW~!!!Really very different ah? ! When we are a fool or blind?


You lie or no lie, we all know, less to find the reasons. I also Buddhism people , never innocent people

PS:Anyway... if she doesn't remove my textures from her site (everybody can steal them now) i will contact my personal lawyer.

SIMS novice or do you mentally? No lawyer would even take that case because EA owns the game. Do not threaten me! if I may, I will sue you first infringement!

PS:Its been wonderful two years now! We hope you still enjoy our creations!We love to share them with the whole sims community!

If you stop imitation and plagiarism other people work, one may forgive you, this is my last wish to say。